More tips on improving your email marketing campaign!

Published in september, 09 of 2013

Creating email marketing campaigns require plenty of creativity and imagination. But in reality, human beings need time and encouragement to create good ideas. To help them in this process, we came up with an idea. Basically, we have decided to double this post and give you even more tips that certainly will help you to improve your campaign. Let's take a look below at essential steps of planning an email marketing campaign! 

  •  Segmentation is a key!

Do you write your content for ladies or gents? Are your campaigns addressed to the young or old public? Does your company offer all kinds of products to anyone?

Did you know that the questions above are very important while planning campaigns? The answers to these questions may become your keys to succeed!

For example: You run a pet shop and sell products for dogs, cats, birds and fish. Do all of your customers buy products for these four types of animals? Probably not. In this case, it may be a good idea to register and segment them accordingly to the type of animal they have.
So, when you create email marketing campaigns you can inform them about exclusive offers only for dog, or cat owners, and so on!

  • Save your ideas!

Keep on searching and saving all ideas that may help to create a campaign content (ex. in a folder). Do not forget about newspaper articles, magazines, social network pages or any other sources of information that can inspire you to create new ideas. If one day your company needs to send an online campaign and you are run out of ideas, go to the file where you have saved them and use one of your ideas!

  • Search for good examples from the past!

Check what e-mail marketing campaigns had the best results in the last months or years and analyze them. You may find a past campaign that is adequate to the current one. And if you do so, you may implement its good ideas into the current campaign. Do not be afraid to repeat those ideas!. If last time they succeeded, it means that your customers had accepted them! Use them once again and create an outstanding email campaign!

  • Analyze, Analyze and Analyze!

Look for companies that offer innovations and creativity on the market and analyze their ideas and concepts. It may be impossible to compete with them but you can always learn something new. We are not telling you to copy or imitate someone else's ideas! Certainly it is not a good idea! But you can always adopt their innovation to your business.

  • Use social media!

Nowadays, Social Networks are a great source of information if you are looking for contents to write about creative companies on the market. Social Networks are also a great place to follow companies that succeeded! Search for information and analyze these publications that people talk about and have lots of comments or retweets. Get to know the Social Networks today and expand your horizon and creativity.

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