Learn how to analyze your email marketing results

Published in february, 05 of 2016

Learn how to analyze your email marketing results

If your goal is to increase sales, retain your customer or just deliver information, the track your email marketing campaign should go in order to reach it is pretty long. You will build your contact list, define the content of your newsletters, work the design of your message, choose a strategic issue, set the date and time of sending, wow! We're just warming up the engines!

Email marketing is still the king!

The email marketing prevails as one of the main references when it comes to digital marketing. Although it’s still somewhat viewed as a resource which is capable of generating concrete results, if used with established objectives and development expertise, it can impact the audience with relevant content and generate sales. For an email marketing campaign to be really effective it’s essential to maintain a routine of monitoring the results, after all, you need to know if your campaign is based on best practices and achieving the desired marketing goals. To access this information, it is recommended to make the analysis of data obtained through the chosen shooting platform. Measuring the results obtained deliverying email marketing campaigns makes important points become reference for the next shipments. To assist you in this process of analyzing campaigns, we brought some tips for using these metrics within your email marketing campaigns.

Starting from the beginning

After triggering the sending command in your email marketing platform, a new path for your campaign begins. Your message will go through numerous servers, anti-spam filters, invalid emails, SPAM complaints (we know they are unfair!), box-filled cards, etc. You will need every possible resource to analyze the results and know where, how and what reaction the message caused in your target audience.

The submission of analysis reports is important to evaluate the success of your campaign, correct mistakes, make adjustments and take further actions from the results obtained. Therefore, the more detailed your reports have, the more accurately you will have to take the right course of your investment.

The first step is to choose the right tool for your business, as there are several options available in the market. It needs to allow a practical and optimally data extracting, which must be analyzed considering the history of the company and also some metrics of the domestic market. From there, you can assess whether an email marketing campaign was, in fact, effective.

Many of the email marketing tools offer various types of reports and metrics. Understand what each of these metrics mean and identify what is really important is what allows you to know the actual return of the campaigns, and especially to discover the improvement possibilities of.

Some important reports and their role in the review process

Rejected emails reports

The average rate of rejected email in a permission list is between 1% and 4% of all email sent. If your campaign had a much higher average rate, something is wrong. Check in your rejected email report,the motives of rejection, which can be: Invalid user, full mailbox, invalid domain, invalid email. Emailmanager platform can identify invalid emails at the momento of importing your list. If you see a large index fields and invalid users, you're probably working with old, disabled or just barely entered emails. Ideally, for this case, is to identify them and turn them off, which is expected to decrease your bounce rate in the next shipment.

Opt-outs reports

There are several reasons why people choose to unsubscribe. The main ones are: unauthorized receipt (without permission), irrelevant content and very high frequency. If your campaign is generating many cancellations, you should discover the reasons through unsubscribe reports by reason, they will be extremely useful for you to reformulate your content plans for frequency and segmentation.

Views reports

The view index of a properly elaborated email marketing campaign is around 15%. That's a great average. To reach this figure, there are two factors that influence your messages preview decision: credibility and relevance. For a good percentage of views. you should carefully plan two things: the subject of your message and the sender's name. They are what will awaken the reading interest. Credibility is the sender's name and interest (relevance) is in issue.

Clicks Reports

Perhaps this is the most desired action on email marketing. Clicks lead your subscribers to visit your company in seconds! What could be better? This is one of the great advantages of email marketing, bringing Internet users to your door, even if it is virtual!

The trick of getting the most clicks possible is simple: to awaken interest in learning more. For that, you should arouse curiosity in your subscriber. Send rich, personalized content and seduce your contacts!

Investing on email marketing is important but nothing works without a complete and efficient tool to analyze the results and generate enough information mantaining constant evolution, helping to trace smart strategies to understand the profile your audience, how it behaves and what you want to receive about your company.

With Emailmanager, it is possible! Through Emailmanager it’s possible to know if you are succeeding or should make improvements, according to the number of people who received the emails, how many opened it, how many clicked on a particular link, etc. Our integration with Google Analytics 360 provides some more advanced statistics on how campaigns affect traffic to your site.

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