3 tips to ensure a good delivery rate on email marketing

Published in november, 25 of 2015

The success of an email marketing campaign is related to its deliverability. If the email is not sent, all the efforts on planning, writing and scheduling would be in vain.

Due to bad send practices, the Internet Service Providers (or ISP) are adopting even more resources to restrain SPAM.

To ensure a good delivery rate on your emails, it is necessary a good reputation. In other words, a good history of sends, with low conplaints and SPAM reports, a lot of engagement and regularity on sendings. Check some basic tips to achieve a good delivery rate:

1. Getting new contacts

Never buy lists of emails or send without authorization of the owner of the email address! That will harm your reputation and image. Instead, create a 100% opt-in mailing, where the user allows the company to send emails and contend to him. Remember that in email marketing, quality is way more important than quantity: only send emails to clients who authorized it!

2. Engagement is the keyword

To get a good delivery rate, it is necessary a good engagement from your clients and contacts. Email servers rate the relevancy of sent content, using metrics like Click-to-Open Rates (CTOR), Click-Through Rates (CTR) and social sharing buttons. Subject line customization, segmentation lists and calling contacts by their name are some important itens to take into consideration when writing an email marketing campaign for engaging your contacts.

3. DKIM and SPF configuration

Configuring SPF is essential to autenticate email marketing campaigns. SPF authorizes the email marketing tool to send emails using your name. DKIM, in other hand, act like a encrypted authentication system which improves the integrity of your email marketing. SPF and DKIM configuration aren’t required, but are recommended for those who want to ensure the best email marketing delivery rates.

The success of email marketing depends directly on good mailing practices. Stick to these basic tips to make sure your emails are getting to their destination.

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