9 basic email marketing tips on writing professional emails

Published in 09 de diciembre de 2013

Sending e-mail marketing campaigns requires special attention as your emails can be easily identified as spams. To prevent being caught by spam traps we have decided to define some basic and essential tips on how to write emails for professionals that deal with email marketing. 

  • quality contact list

Having a quality contact list is crucial as it influences the outcome of your e-mail dispatch. Therefore, It's essential that you acquire contact in your list in the right way (through opt-in, soft and double opt-in). This way, you will dispatch your email communications to contacts that wish to receive your messages. It's a hard job to build a valuable contact list, and it can take a while to get a high number of subscribers ... but it's certainly worth the effort!  

  • frequency of dispatch

If you commit yourself to send a press release, newsletter or a promotional campaign every week, make sure you comply with that promise, so your contact know when they will receive your emails. Otherwise they may simply opt-out from receiving your communications and this is what you do not want to happen. Also remember to send campaigns with a relevant content that will trigger conversions (whether they are leads, subscriptions, etc.). 


  • do not forget the opt-out option

Sending email marketing campaigns require compliance with certain rules. As a professional marketer what you have to remember about is that your readers and subscribers MUST agree to receive your campaigns via opt-in option. Moreover, your any email you send to them MUST contain an unsubscribe link (opt-out), that will allow them to unsubscribe from receiving your newsletters. Opt-out option is usually placed at the bottom of the message and prevents you from being accused of spamming.


  • be available

Upon sending email marketing campaigns your company gets ready to receive feedbacks. That's why always stay on top of what is happening within your company and be available to respond your customers. What you may find useful is to include a contact form in the campaign content (alternatively a link). Also remember not to send campaigns to contacts that are unanswered or returned. Otherwise, the scenario for your company will not be positive and you may get blacklisted.


  • FIRST OF ALL - Relevance and objectivity

Relevant content is king! Therefore create content that is applicable and interesting to your customers and readers. Remember to get straight to the point and comply with what you have promised. Do not include unnecessary text that may discourage the clients to interact. People do not want to read long essays! They desire quick and relevant information that you promise to deliver in the article subject. So, do not waste your and their time and present only valuable information. 


  • choose a reliable email marketing provider

Make sure to use a professional email marketing tool to ensure better quality and deliverability of campaigns. There are tools on the market that allow carrying various tests before shipping. This way you will be able to prevent the emails from being considered spam by ISP.


  • avoid “heavy” emails 

Try not to overwhelm an email content with too much “heavy” stuff such as: pictures and attachments. Not only are large sized emails not welcomed by servers but first of all readers do not like to wait to see the message. If in doubt, carry out a test before the final dispatch to find out how much time the message needs to load. 


  • create responsive design

Nowadays many people own Smartphones and tablets. Therefore make sure to create a responsive design that complies different screen sizes and is portable devices friendly. This way your message will be easier to read and will reach a bigger group of recipients. Because, if the reader cannot open and read your message your bounce rate will increase significantly. 


  • analyze the results and feedbacks


It's always good to analyze the obtained data such as: clicks, conversions, bounces, etc. These information will allow you plan your next steps in the email marketing world. 


This is the only way to find out what goes right and what wrong in order to improve future campaigns. By analyzing reports you can also understand your customer behavior, what campaign subject attract more visitors and products that are more likely to succeed than others.  

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