How to set right an error in your email marketing campaign

Published in 03 de octubre de 2014

If you’re distracted, in a hurry or any other reason, making mistakes sometimes is inevitable. However, for most faults there is a rectification. When you sent an email marketing campaign, did you already mail the message to the wrong list? How many times have you sent something without looking at the test campaign?

By doing email marketing, sending something by mistake is only a matter of time. It may be a small error, like forgetting to customize the greeting, or a slightly more serious fault as launching a special promotion celebrating the independence of Scotland, when the whole country voted against emancipation.

The issue is that errors are more common than we would like it to be, despite being a mandatory item checklist of all email campaigns in emailmanager: testing before sent. I’ts important to remember that behind every computer is a human being. So it's always a good thing having a strategy in hands to correct any small or big mistakes.

We often get requests to stop sending a campaign, because the customer put the wrong price, entered another email account, distributed or poorly chosen images or swapped contacts list. For all we answer the same thing: sending emails is something really fast.

From the moment you realize you have committed a mistake, seek the source of the problem, find where it is, send an email to us and ask us to stop shooting, there is a 99% probability that the campaign have already been sent. You have to be extremely fast in problems solving or phone support to repeat the whole process and prevent the campaign from being sent to most of your contacts list or for the entire base.

So we put a 'cancel' button in each campaign, but only including this option doesn’t solve things. After all, the campaign already appeared as sent and all your contacts will receive this week’s newsletter with Scottish independence renegade. If this happens, take a deep breath and count till ten.

However it doesn’t matter how serious is the error, it can’t be the end. Everybody can make mistakes and the best way you can overcome this is recognizing the failure. E-mail marketing is no exception.

Return Path conducted a study to analyze errors in email marketing campaigns and found that emails with apologies for any failure have the same, or more, interactions rate then the original message when sent correctly. This happens because this type of email is not usual. When you highlight an error, your contacts will want to know what happened.

So when you go through a situation like this, convert the mistake into an opportunity to attract your audience’s attention with a clever and creative email.

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