How can you use email marketing to reinforce the brand?

Published in 27 de octubre de 2015

Everybody knows that a strong brand is essential for any business, right? When well applied inside and outside, through branding, it brings credibility, trust and safety for the company and its customers. The big challenge, besides building the brand itself, is in the position adopted to win the attention of your target audience and generate new opportunities.

Email marketing campaigns may open this way between the brand and its customers, and between the brand and potential customers. Discover how to use the efficiency of the channel to build the brand awareness for your company.

What is branding?

Before talking about branding, let’s learn the concept of brand. Brand is the perception that consumers have about some product or service, or simply what they think about the brand.

The term branding is directly related to brand management, including the design and the reinforce. At this stage, the care with the relationship between the brand and its consumers or prospects begins. It contains many fields such as marketing, psychology, planning, communication and design. Just to take note of some areas.

Branding goes beyond the design, it´s an experience of who notices the brand as the only solution for what he or she was looking for. From a strategic point of view, it´s linked to the mission and purpose of the brand. In a few words, branding is attract consumers to the brand.

4 tips to apply branding to email marketing

Now that you have the brand concept fresh in your mind and also knows the meaning of branding, it´s time to learn how to apply this in practice in your email marketing campaigns. So get ready to take note of some tips that Emailmanager selected just for you:

Ask permission before send an email

Increasing a list of emails may not be an easy task and it might require some time, yet it´s crucial doing so at the right way and based on a permission policy (opt-in). So send emails only to people who are in your contact list, following the guidelines of the CAN-SPAM Act.

This measure, let´s put it like this, protects both sides, who showed the desire to receive email from your company and those who doesn´t. Not to mention the brand, which keeps its reputation at high levels together with the deliverability rates as well.

Place your audience at first place

Asking permission for your brand to send emails will attract customers and prospects to your list. From there, it´s your responsibility to maintain this relationship by sending campaigns that add some value to those who expressed interest in receiving them.

Use and abuse of all feedback from your target audience and convert it into strategies to lead more engagement. Surveys are also welcomed for this purpose. Track the behavior of your customers and evaluate the best content to be sent.

Share and spread your knowledge

When you get to know your audience, you´ll learn exactly what type of email marketing campaign is better to attract their attention. The next step is to understand what content will lead to further action, in addition to opening, read and clicks. This includes recommendations and even some consulting on your area of expertise or invitations to events about your industry.

So the content gets a big chance of being shared and supported forward to the contacts of your contacts. Email works as a bridge that connects customers and prospects to your brand.

Be consistent in all actions

Keeping consistency is an important step not only to create content, but also when you think about the frequency and the time to send the message. By the way, all actions related to email marketing campaigns should follow that line. And when it comes to content, it´s worth remembering that “the word” includes text and design.

Here branding is stronger than ever, as the focus will be totally dedicated to the brand's relationship with consumers and potential customers. Enjoy all the gaps as an opportunity to approach, joining industry activities and related events.


Combining branding and email marketing is the way to generate new business opportunities, increase referrals and reinforce the brand. Whatever the goal, if it means new conversions or improve the relationship with your customers, email marketing is the most effective channel for this.

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