Exclusive IP, why should you have one to send your email marketing campaign?

Published in 16 de octubre de 2015

You may have heard of IP or IPs warm up, right? If you don´t know what we're talking about, click on this link. Now, if the words sound familiar, let's take a step forward. One of the best practices when you send email marketing is the use of an Exclusive IP, but do you know why?

Using an Exclusive IP means giving up on sharing the address to send emails with third parties. With this, you have a single start point and on your own. Does it sound good? The choice can be very valuable to boost your marketing strategy. The question is whether you should invest in it. Keep reading and discover the answer.

How can you know the best moment to use an Exclusive IP?

If email marketing is a vital strategy within your company, the volume of sends should gradually increase whether it´s to acquire new customers or keep a good relationship with the existing base, as well as the need to maintain great reputation through the email providers, not to mention the security authentication such as SPF and DKIM.

If you fit the description above, you probably need an Exclusive IP to improve your metrics and achieve better results. Let's take a look at each reason.

Email Volume

Who has a large contact database, use email marketing to go beyond the send of offers such as a regular communication channel to strengthen the relationship of the brand. This is one of the roles of newsletters to bring news from the company or educational material for lead nutrition.

IP Reputation

In the case of an Exclusive IP, reputation is directly linked to the use you will make of it. After all, without the participation of third parties there is no interference and all responsibility is in your hands. If you already follow email marketing best practices you are on the right path.

Security Authentication

The Exclusive IP also serves to answer technical questions. What do you mean? There are companies that deal with sensitive information and require more security to prevent fraud. In addition, some companies deal with large customers and need to ask to be marked as a trusted sender, avoiding direct detour to spam.

White Label

This name means applying your own mark, because the email is free to customize. The feature, however, can only be activated if you have an Exclusive IP. Otherwise, your campaigns will be sent with the signature "by emailplatform.com" without the identity of your company.


Investing in an Exclusive IP involves some requirements. It provides good return, if you know how to apply email marketing best practices, but it can also be expensive for your pocket. Evaluate your digital strategy, find out if you fit the reasons we've listed here and ask a question to yourself: email is an essential part of my marketing strategy? If your answer is "yes", take an Exclusive IP.

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