7 reasons to encourage interaction through email marketing

Published in 29 de enero de 2016

One of the most important metrics for email providers evaluates the level of engagement of who receives your email marketing campaigns when making decisions. A simple answer, for example, can make a difference, since for the provider you are signaling that the recipient has a relationship with you, increasing the confidence in your brand.

This way, your emails are more likely to reach the inbox, going far from being reported as spam. If the interaction increases, the deliverability also improves, but this is only a small part of the benefits. Here are 7 reasons to promote engagement with who gets your campaigns:

1) Differential

Encourage interactions with the contacts from your email marketing list can be a way to make your company stand out from the competitors. This is part of a great customer service and it’s often the “detail” that keeps or drives away consumers.

2) Loyalty

By creating a closer relationship with your customers, you will also be cultivating their loyalty and consequently maintaining a good image of your company. So the chances to see them promoting your brand spontaneously, just by a good customer service, are greater.

3) Transparency

When you send a response for some interaction, avoid using that classic email donotreply@yourcompany.com. This creates a negative empathy, as it could imply that it’s difficult to contact your company or you are not open to any questions or requests.

4) Confidence

Often the "No Answer" can go unnoticed and let the customer who answered the message waiting for more feedback from you. The immediate consequence is unsubscribe or even spamming complaint. Always choose to show yourself through an email that identifies at least the industry and the company name.

5) Authenticity

When you allow these automatic responses through email, who is on the other side can receive messages like “out of office”. This shows the authenticity of your email and confirms that there is a real person behind that it, discarding any thought related to spam.

6) Deliverability

The moment you promote interaction with your newsletter’s subscriber, for example, the email provider can add your email address to the recipient's contacts list. This means that future messages are more likely to pass through the filters, direct to the inbox.

7) Feedback

It’s important to leave a space for feedback, even for a negative one. This means that the option to unsubscribe must be visible and quickly answered if there is any request or even data updating. In the first case, you lose subscribers. In the second, you have inactive emails in your list.


When you create your email marketing strategy, in addition to clicks on the uploaded content, think of every detail of the campaign that can help to increase engagement. Choose a recipient that shows your company right away, answer requests, be transparent with the unsubscribe option in the same way you are with subscribe. Finally, keep in mind the best possible experience for the user. Provide means for him to contact you in case of any questions or problems. More interaction, greater is the delivery in your inbox. This way, you will always be one step ahead of your competitors.

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