Learn how to avoid nonexistent emails in your contact database

Published in 19 de diciembre de 2014

Amazingly, since it’s a fairly simple problem to solve, the greatest difficulty in the delivery of email marketing campaigns is tied to how the contacts are captured for your database.

One of the most important filters, and often ignored, besides the obvious relevance involves a simple analysis of the amount of rejects generated when an email is sent. When detected, the result indicates your database has nonexistent users. The reasons for this are numerous, such as misspellings and invalid or unused email addresses. The immediate consequence impacts the campaign, which will not be delivered and will cease to generate returns. Currently, the tolerance level is very low. One example is the Outlook, which tolerates the limit of 1% of rejections, in other words, if the rate is exceeded, the delivery of your email will be damaged.

What has been said so far can be seen in emailmanager reports. There are two types: Errors and Errors by Contact. When one of them is detected, the system itself takes care of sending a warning or even canceling your campaign, if it affects your reputation.

If at any time you received this email, you know what we\'re talking about. But don’t worry. We can solve it before it becomes a problem for you. Here is the solution: the Double Opt-in.

The best way to reduce the most the chance of adding contacts with errors to your list is by adopting a safety measure at the moment a person signs up to receive your email marketing campaigns. And this is where the resource takes place.

Did you already notice that when signing a newsletter you receive a warning? The message says: “An email will be sent to your inbox, click the link to confirm your registration”. The text is usually this way or something similar and it’s sent by emailmanager, Google, Twitter and Facebook. This is the double opt-in, nothing more, nothing less than an email confirmation to validate your interest. The feature also applies to prevent your contact database register invalid or wrong emails. Only the addresses that have been validated will be considered existing and will be include to your database. Here are some examples:

Implementing the double opt-in in emailmanager is very simple. Just scroll to the desired list and click on Create Form.

Once you set up the form with the required information, be sure to select the option "ask for a confirmation to the contact”.

">On the platform, you can choose the sender to send the confirmation, as well as adding a URL to inform the rejections to your server. This last step can be done by your IT staff.

There are other ways to validate records in contact database (captcha, questions, etc.). We highly recommend the double opt-in, because in addition to raising the quality of your database, it maximizes the probability that a new register is done through your email. After all, if there was availability to make the subscribing, why should not be to confirm interest?

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