Some Curious Facts about the Email History and Evolution

Published in 07 de marzo de 2014

história envio email marketing

Nowadays we have been facing technology advances often. Nevertheless, we are still using one that was created long time ago: the Email. Many people do not know the email history and some curious facts that are going to be presented in this article.

The first email that was sent: How did it start?

The first email (electronic mail) was sent 40 years ago and nowadays is still one of the most important ways of communication, personally and professionally, expressing itself in a strong and firm way.

Raymond Tomlinson was the person who sent the first email in 1971, through the ARPANET (considered the mother of the internet). Supposedly he sent the message “QWERTYUIOP” with an application called SNDMSG (send message) that allowed to exchange text messages between users that were connected to ARPANET.

Tomlinson actually doesn’t remember several facts about the first email he sent. He is only sure that he sent the email in ALL CAPS. The format (user@domain) was also created by Ray, where the @ means “at” and it states that the user is in a specific place.

Was the first email marketing campaign the first SPAM?

It didn’t take long for the first massive email to be sent (7 years after). Gary Thuerk had the idea to send the first email to a group of people (around 400 people). In this email, he tried to sell a new computer. Thuerk started one of the most important marketing channels – email marketing. Nevertheless, he also became famous for being the first person to send SPAM.
In the year 1996, hotmail, stylized as HotmaiL, allowed any person to create a personal account and access the email from every place in the world, even if you did not own a computer.

It is hard to believe that the email is still alive. New technologies are developed on a daily basis creating new forms of communication. In the meantime, the email is still seen as a potential communicator, due to the fact that is already considered a digital identity, strictly necessary to log in or register in any website around the world.


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