Image, Text and HTML in email marketing

Published in 14 de octubre de 2013

In the text: “3 BIG marketing campaign mistakes you should avoid”, we highlight an importance of email campaign visuality and present three most common mistakes that can be avoided by following a few steps. In today's post we are going to talk about text and image issues you should remember about while creating an email campaign.

Marketers around the world always wonder what really counts in e-mail marketing campaigns. More text and few images? Only pictures and no text? What is more important? There are various doubts and questions that arise when creating email marketing campaigns, especially when it comes to deal with pages created in HTML.

The basic mistake we see in companies that start an email marketing campaign is creating an email message that looks exactly like a web page and embedding images without limits.

Certainly, images are important, but should be always used in moderation!

Without a doubt, an image has its strengths and weaknesses. Including an image in your email campaign is certainly a great move if you think about increasing sales and customer's involvement. On the other hand, campaigns that contain too many images (or only images) may end up being sent to the recipient's Junx box (spam). Furthermore, many images in an email campaign can slow down the speed of loading page, so, it's always a good idea to keep the balance between text and images.

Email campaigns that contain a “clean” HTML code have higher rates of reaching the recipients' Inbox but on the other hand they are not as attractive as these ones that contain images. An email, looks better when it has appealing images in it and displays its content properly to the end-user. Email marketing campaigns that contain only text and no images usually have a very low conversion rates.

Do not turn your whole email marketing campaign into one single image!

But, do not worry. You can use images. They have a great impact on email marketing. What you have to remember about is not to exaggerate! Just use very few of them.

Indeed, images are an important part of any marketing campaign, however it's better to create a simple email that can be delivered, read and understood by your customers than to have one that looks wonderful but contains too many images and not enough text or opposite.

There is no “golden formula” but it's good to keep fifty-fifty proportions. If you need to prioritize one of them, it's better to have more text and fewer images so that the deliverability of your emails will not be affected.


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