How to measure open rate and click rate?

Published in 25 de septiembre de 2013

Do you promote your business by sending e-mail campaigns but do not actually know how to measure results? In this post we are going to talk about two email marketing issues that can not be ignored nor missed!

Most email marketing tools allow you to measure opening and click rates. If your tool does not provide such information it may be a good idea to search for a complete email marketing seller because these basic reports are very important to plan your next campaigns.  

The email open rate is a number of people who opened your email, divided by the number of people who received it and it's expressed as a percentage. If you sent your campaign to 100 people and 15 of them opened your email it means that the opening rate equals 15%. 

Statistically, the average open rate is about 20%. If your company is above this average it means that you do very well! If not, we recommend that you checked your campaign again and improve: content quality, layout, etc.

Bear in mind, that 20% stated above is just an average. This percentage may vary, depending on the market segment your company is operating in.

Another extremely important measure rate that we should always remember about is: click-through rate! Click-through rate (CTR) is a percentage measure of clicks that advertisers receive out of total ad impressions (number of times your ad is viewed).

Nowadays we are so used to receiving spam or viruses that affect our computers. Therefore many people are not keen on opening links received by email, due to the email marketing misuse.

If you notice that despite sending a large number of emails to your contacts, the click rate is low, it means that you will probably need to change something in the layout, content, etc. You should also check the links on your website and relocate them. It may be the case, that they are placed in hardly accessible places (bottom of websites), or just contain wrong anchor text that doesn't encourage viewers to interact. 

Remember to always monitor both: opening rates and click rates. These two factors will give you an idea of what you can improve in your email marketing campaigns.  


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