Get on time and improve the performance of your email marketing!

Published in 24 de febrero de 2016

What should you do to find the right timing and increase open and conversion rates of your email marketing? Here's some hot tips for you not to lose time:

Get inside the routine of your audience

Understanding the daily life of your ideal buyer is essential. Does he works during business hours? What is his lifestyle and job? Doctors, teachers and salespeople, for example, spend the most of their day without the possibility of checking emails. On the other hand, secretaries and general managers spend most of their working hours on their computers with internet access.

Personal message or work

If you sell products related to a work routine (such as office supplies, for example), avoid sending your email marketing in periods of rest and recreation, at night or weekends. The chance of them ending up in the recycle bin is huge when opened off-site and working hours. On the other hand, if your message has very personal content - lingerie offers, for example - it may be inappropriate to be accessed in the workplace, and they might end up getting lost if it the contact’s inbox in the middle of the workday.

Detects the profile of their customers

Segmenting your mailing is the solution: create different groups according to the profiles of each customer or lead. Know the likes, dislikes and preferences of each group from your audience, and that makes easier to address your email marketing sends effectively. This way, the emails are sent according to the interest of each group, increasing the open rate and also the engagement of your contact with your brand.

A/B Testing

With your list in hands, do A/B testing! Try sending the same message at different times to different groups and watch the results. Repeating this formula you can, in a short time, find out what works best for your audience. A/B testing can be used in a variety of situations, including testing the subject lines that draw attention from the contacts on working hours or moments of rest, for example. From time to time, do new researchs and segment your contact base again if needed, because the scenario may change.

Optimize your tests and not miss the timing of your campaigns:

  • From 6am to 10am,  people  tend to spend time reading emails, so the clicks and opening rates are very good and these hours are recommended;

  • From 3pm to 5pm, a drop in the work rate is common, and the email usually works as a distraction to collaborators;

  • At the end of the regular working hours, from 5pm to 7pm, shipments for B2B (companies that sell to other businesses)usually work better, although it seems against intuition;

  • Between 7pm and 10pm works very well in shipments to the final consumer, in B2C based companies.;

  • Saturday - regular schedule: is one of the greatest opportunities for personal products. Open rates and clicks tend to be higher than any time during the week. But it is also the day of the week when there are more messages reported as spam. What does this mean? You should be very relevant on emails sent on Saturday!

  • Sunday - bad time: not everyone accesses emails on Sundays and messages end up falling on the first track on Monday, when there’s low visibility and many messages end up being ignored or not even read. Beter avoid it.

  • The best frequency for sending emails varies between one and four times a month;

How about putting these tips into practice and adjust the timing of your email marketing?

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