8 tips on how to attract clients attention through e-mails

Published in 16 de diciembre de 2013

Sending bulk emails to a group of contacts my not be enough if you seriously think of increasing your conversion rates. Therefore, what you should remember about is to customize your online communication as accurate as possible. Take a look at the following 8 tips that you may find helpful while creating email marketing campaigns.

  • Subject Line – Your contacts see it first, so make sure you have a “good one” in order to encourage recipients to open the message. Despite being relevant to your online campaign, the subject line must also be reasonably short (about 60-70 characters). You can also include a brand or organization name that will certainly help with recognition. 

  • Sender Name – The worst thing you can do is to send your communications as an anonymous! By doing so, you may be sure to get little or no interactions. Remember, that your name needs to mean something for those who receive the e-mail. Also note that, mail from a person increase different expectation than mail from a company. The choice on what name to use should be based on your customer base and on what you think most recipients will accept. 

  • The Preheader – It's the text you can find at the top of the message. It very often directs people to a website where they can read the full message or request an “add to an address book” option. The preheader effectively grabs attention, therefore it may be a good idea to include your communication out there.

  • Consistency – Use the same names, fonts and language style. If you start messing up with the style that your readers are used to, it may lead to confusion. Make your recipients know from the first sight that they receive e-mails from you.

  • Preview Pane – Most of the e-mail services allow users to preview an email without opening it. The preview area can be an opportunity to present an important message element to your recipients. But, keep in mind that this option is limited and your message may not be shown in whole.

  • Deliver what you have declared – Do you want to trigger conversions? So make sure you give the information you have promised. Your readers are clever and they do not want to get information that is not an interest of theirs. Moreover, they do not want nor have time to read long and boring stories about your company or … what's even worse... about your life. Remember: Straight to the point and keep your message as clean as possible. 

  • Include an image – Get attention and attach an interesting image! Email messages that contain all kinds of relevant graphics trigger more interactions. However use common sense and do not overwhelm your readers with unnecessary images.

  • Ask questions! - induce customer interaction and make them participate in the dialog. This way you may gain regular readers and/or customers. But make sure not to either ask irrelevant or silly questions! 

Encouraging clients to interact does not necessarily have to be as difficult as you may think. Simply, use the above tips to get more clients attention via email and you will be surprised with the outcome.



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