Ways to improve your website conversion rate.

Published in december, 06 of 2013

A few weeks ago we talked about the importance of having a contact list of high quality. We assumed that this was the only way we could achieve good results without being considered a spammer. Now, we are going to talk how to encourage website visitors to leave their details that we can later use to carry out email marketing campaigns.

First of all, we need to be aware that the web conversion rates depend on the quality and relevancy of our website. Always remember, that: Content is king. 

If you are a solid writer, you will not have problems to get visitors to your website. However if writing articles is not your strong side, we recommend that either you learn, or hire a professional. Ok. So let's see what we can do to trigger interactions directly from our website and how we can benefit by doing so.

  • Encourage to sign up

Most of marketers think that it's enough to add a signup form to one of the sidebar on our website and ask visitors to subscribe. But in practice it's not the best idea. The signup form needs to strive to certain action and incentive to convince people to join. Therefore asking visitors to enroll only to get updates is just not good enough and will not attract much attention. How to encourage to subscribe? There are many ways to do so and they mainly depend on your business profile. You can for example offer a free newsletter, discount on products, or simply tell your readers about the benefits of subscribing.

  • Place signup forms in the right place 

Right place means something different to everyone. Depending on your business profile, product you sell, website design, type of customers etc., there is no unequivocal answer. We recommend that you carry out various tests and place signup forms in different places. You can insert the forms in different places on your site, like: home page, sidebar, footer, on the landing page or inside the email cloud box and test them. After doing so, you will have an overview what works and what does not. 

  • Ask to subscribe 

Asking for the signup may be a great way of acquiring new contacts. We all may underestimate this method but in practice it works! When you write an article, share it on Social Media and ask politely to sign up. It's nothing wrong with that and it works! Also, provide the advantages of subscribing and tell them how good the content is. 

Moreover you can ask your readers in a nice manner to share your content on Social Media with their friends.

  • Promise reward

Encourage visitors to subscribe by promising them a reward. Make sure you always fulfill what you have promised and keep your visitors satisfied. You do not need to offer anything that will cost you money. Any simple thing may be of interest to your readers or customers and it can also make them happy

  • Create interesting content 

Write articles that nobody can't resist to read and not only will you gain loyal customers but also improve SEO on your website. Make sure you write for people and not search engines. If you are a good writer you already know the majority about good SEO practice and this knowledge will help your site get better search results. After writing an article, make sure to add a good description to it, get some links from your friends (marketers usually want to link to valuable content sites) and … write even better content. More traffic means more chances for conversion and new email addresses in your database. 

When thinking of increasing visitor conversion rates first of all we need to have readers who regularly visit our website. We can achieve it by running an interesting website full of unique articles. Once we have a trustworthy site we can start thinking of collecting our readers' data that we can use for future email marketing campaigns. Building a contact list is such an important strategy that can really pay off in our business, but we have to remember about placing all the “blocks” in the right place to make it happen. Otherwise we may not exploit its potential in 100%  


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