Ways to improve email marketing analysis

Published in november, 25 of 2013

email click through rates

By analyzing campaign results you can discover various information about a particular group and choose relevant strategies for upcoming campaigns. Each campaign is a great opportunity to get to know your contacts better and find out their preferences. Emailmanager tool allows you to check how many customers receive your email, open it, or click on a particular link, etc. But the real concern is: How can you fully benefit from campaigns you carry out? Are you sure you understand all the metrics our online tool provides? Don't you think you may do something more in order to improve you campaign outcome , increase conversion rate and understand better your contacts?  

Take a look at the following tips on improving email marketing analysis:

  • Test different days and times to have an idea what works best for your list. We recommend that you test both: different days and times because each of your contact is different and you may have a better idea of what days and times are better for contacts on your list.

  • Follow and analyze your open rates (the percentage of people from your list that open your email communication) and email click through rates (CTR). The CTR will help you find out how your email content works in order to trigger customer's action. 

  • Modify your e-mail based on your analysis to improve future results. You could for example consider changing the day and time of dispatching email marketing campaigns, changing content, title, etc.

  • Make sure you are a consistent marketer and stick to your promises. If you have committed yourself to send a weekly newsletter, ensure to send it out every week. Being professional means “consistency” and this way you will show that you are responsible and trustworthy. 

  • Check various types of email campaign subject while testing the right day and time of email dispatch. Marketers around the world very often underestimate the importance of creating a relevant subject/headline, however changing the sound of a subject line can make a huge difference in your campaign open rate. 

  • Keep the design of your email campaign the same as the look of your entire company, website, blog, social media, etc. use the same fonts, colors, graphs and photos in order to strengthen your brand and make your customers remember you no matter the platform they are receiving your communications.  

  • Use images to your email campaigns as people do not like receiving information that contains only plain text. In many cases, a single image is worth more than a thousand words, but only if it's relevant to your email message. 

  • Monitor number of bounces (emails that are returned by recipient server). Bounces may occur when the recipient's Inbox is full, email address is faulty, does not exist and your email does not reach the intended Inbox. In this case, ensure to delete all nonexistent email addresses and clear your contact list. 

After including the above tips in your email marketing campaigns you will be able to understand your customers, increase conversion rates and carry out better analysis. In order to make email an efficient and cost-effective communication channel for your business, we recommend that you broaden your knowledge about measuring email campaign performance on Social Media. Stay connected and find us on Facebook and Twitter below.


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