6 tips on creating eye-catching titles for your email marketing campaign

Publicado em 19 de janeiro de 2016

While writing a text or e-mail, we always face the same question: “What title suits my campaign best?” At first, it seems something very simple. You may think that to create a title is not a big deal: “I will just make up something relevant to the text body and that's it”. But, is it really that simple? Remember, this small detail can make a big difference in the open rates of your campaigns.

First of all, we have to remember that the purpose of our title is to attract attention and arouse readers' interest when they open our message. Take a look below, where we state some tips on how to choose an eye-catching title:

1. Beware of SPAM

There are words that can be easily identified as Spams, so your campaign may not be delivered to the intended recipients. Therefore, avoid using these terms: “promotion”, “free”, “money” and “work at home”. 

2. Check the history of your campaign 

Try to understand what your audience wants to hear from you and deliver it! Search the history of your campaign and analyze what campaigns generated better results and what were not so successful in the past!

3. Be direct and objective. Get to the point!  

Avoid extensive and full of information subject lines. The less the better! Do not write titles that are long and confusing! The shorter the better! (For example: "Fruit day in the supermarket. Join us!" works much better than "Enjoy a great offer in our supermarket with fresh fruits on offer and live healthy "... got it?)

4. Customization is The new black!

Statistics show that subject lines that contain a recipient's name generate higher open rates to those ones without mentioning the name. But it actually makes sense. Would you rather receive an email with your name and a tailord-made offer or a general email sent to everyone?

5. Try Emoji for Subject Lines

In the email marketing campaigns, the use of friendly faces aims to draw the reader’s attention and consequently get them to open your messages. However, you need to dose the application to not end up creating the opposite effect. Know more in When and how to use emojis in the subject line of your email marketing.

6. Make A/B testing 

Finally, If after what you have already read, you are still in doubt and can not make up your mind, simply do a test! Emailmanager offers you an online tool that you can use to test your email marketing campaigns (test A/B). Analyze the results and decide what subject line attracted more visitors. After doing so, you will know the “winner” that should be sent to your contacts.

Remember, that each company must find the best way to attract its audience attention, taking into consideration offered products or services. Following our tips will help optimize your email marketing campaign and improve the customer interaction.

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