Christmas email marketing

Publicado em 27 de noviembre de 2013

christmas email marketing

Christmas is a time, in which retail sales (including eCommerce) increase significantly. Usually at the beginning of November, sometimes even before we can notice various Christmas decorations in everyone's houses reminding customers that a big “shopping time” is coming. As a business owner, do you know how to attract customers to your store with email marketing campaigns? Do you know how you are going to promote your products/services in this “jolly season” and increase your sales by sending personalized emails to your contacts?

First of all, the Santa Claus usually gives presents to those who behave well and do things right. Are you one of them? 

Marketers who behave well are those who own an opt-in contact list and send email communications only to these contacts who wish to receive them. This way, they can establish a friendly relationship with their customers and also keep in touch via Social Networks by providing quality content. Segmenting a contact list allows sending email messages to customers who are really interested in a product/service and avoid posting them to someone who would probably not even read them.    

Marketers who behave bad will certainly not be happy because they do not deserve a reward. These individuals use purchased contact lists and send their email communication without authorization. In fact, buying an email list seems an easy way to obtain contacts that you could share your campaigns with. But is it really that simple and straightforward? 

Remember, there are some serious consequences for using purchased email lists and if you have one, sooner or later you are going to pay the price. Therefore using purchased contact lists do not deserve any Christmas gift.

Take a look at the following tips and understand how you can increase the efficiency of Christmas email campaigns:

Planning – Create a value quality content and schedule your emails in time. By doing so, your company's name and products will stay in the mind of your customers for longer. This way you will also increase the relationship and trigger conversions between you and your customers.  

Design – Make sure you use a design that highlights the spirit of Christmas and New Year in order to give even more “magic” to your emails. A simple message with a unique design can make a difference and give you the right outcome! 

Content -   Wite a content that shows the main advantages and benefits of having a product you want to sell and make your contacts want to have it! Do not describle your products in general! Just Show its benefits and briefly explain why your clients have to have it! Also remember that Christmas time is not only time just to increase your sales, but first of all it's an opportunity to gain happy and regular customers.  

Do not focus only on selling a product/service to your clients. Do not push and exaggerate with your promotional emails as people do not like to be overwhelmed with too much information at once. If you continue to do so, a customer may even mark your message as spam and hurt your reputation. 

Avoid dirty email marketing practices and be correct not to hurt your business reputation. If you are still in doubt go to the post: components of a marketing plan and find out more.

Bear in mind, that by following the Christmas email marketing tips not only you may earn extra income on Christmas selling but also gain new customers, build long-lasting relationship with them and increase your company's brand awareness.


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